Biography of the King of Scotland, Edward the Longshank Essay

When the king of Scotlanddied without an heir to the throne the nephew of the king also the king ofEngland nicknamed Edward the Longshanks (Edward I) took the throne for himselfand complete control of Scotland. William WallWhen the king of Scotland died without an heir to thethrone the nephew of the king also the king of England nicknamed Edward theLongshanks (Edward I) took the throne for himself and complete control of Scotland. William Wallace was Bornin January of the year 1272. He was the second of three sons. He was born inthe town of Elerslie, which was in Scotland. His Father Sir Malcolm Wallaceheld the title of knight but had little to no political power. Wallace's Fatherwas involved in a revolt called Turnberry Band when William was 14 years oldand was sent to live with his uncle Argile. His Uncle taught William Latinand French and how to be a swordsmen.When William's father returned from therevolt at Turnberry Band William was 17 years old. Fighting between rivalfamilies and rival towns were heating up. Civil War was about to Break outin Scotland. Brawling and riots inside towns turned into full scale battles,Where in the Battle of Loudoun Hill William's father was involved and killed.William Stayed with his mother For two years until he met Murron Braidfootand married her in the year 1272. There are many tales on how William Wallacebecame and outlaw after his marrige, one such is that one day William wasfishing at a near by lake when a group of english soilders approached him anddemanded william give them the fish he had caught. William trying to get foodfor himself and his wife said they could only take half. The soilders enragedlunged at William. But William fought off and killed both of the guards, foreverbecoming an outlaw....
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