A Comparison of Night by Elie Wiesel and Hangman by Maurice Ogden Essay

Battle Against Evil Night by Elie Wiesel and "Hangman" by Maurice Ogden both make strong points of view towards the battle between mankind and evil. Wiesel's personal experiences give the reader very specific and down to the point accounts of the Holocaust. In contrast, Ogden musical poem gives the reader a very indistinguishable idea of what is taking place. One must examine rhyme over and over to be given the full impact of the poem. The battle against evil may be compared on the basis of their narration, their subject, their language usage, and their tone and mood. The narration of both Night and in "Hangman" can be compared and contrasted in several ways. The first person narrative is the main point of view used in both Night and "Hangman". In the last section of "Hangman" Ogden reverts to the point of view, first person singular as contrasting to the rest of the poem, which is presented in the point of view, first person collective. Another way Night and "Hangman" contrast themselves is one is an actual real life experience and the other is a fictions poem. The narrator in "Hangman" and the author in Night differ in how the affected the events of the novel or poem. The narrator in "Hangman" was more of a witness to the events that happened. Now one must not think that the author of Night did not witness any accounts of evil though. The author of Night participated in many of the brutal acts of violence committed in the concentration camps, in contrast to the narrator of "Hangman" who only found himself in the action near the conclusion of the poem. The subject that both "Hangman" and Night revolve around is essentially the same idea kill anyone you see of a certain group of people. The only difference between the two is that in Night the Jews and only Jews are slaughtered and in "Hangman" a foreigner, a...
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