Brutus as a Patriotic Man in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Essay

In the play Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, one of the main characters, Brutus, is faced with a major problem. He has to decide whether or not to join the conspiracy, which is to kill his best friend Caesar or let him get crowned king. Thoughout the play he has to decide and his choice may effect Rome forever. Brutus decides to join the conspirators and help kill Julius Caesar. His actions show that he is a very patriotic, one who loves his country and upholds its interests, citizen of Rome. First, he shows great courage in killing Caesar for the love of his country. Second, all the people of Rome adore him because of his loyalty and finally, Brutus is willing to stand up to the fact that he helped kill Julius Caesar.The first reason for thinking that Brutus is a patriotic man is that he killed Caesar for the city of Rome. He new that Caesar would have taken over Rome and made bad decisions for the citizens or Rome. It must be by death and, for my part, I know no personal cause to spurn at him, but for the general. He would be crownd (page 47 lines 10-12) Brutus also new that it was for the best of Rome for Caesar to be killed. He told the people of Rome that he loved Caesar but loved Rome more. not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more. (page 115 lines 22-23) That shows that he wants the best for as most people as possible and not just for one person even if they are a friend. Had you rather Caesar were living, and die slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all freemen? (pages 115 lines 23-25)Another reason for thinking that Brutus is a patriotic citizen is that all of the people of Rome loved him. They loved him before the death of Julius Caesar and...
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