The Potential Hazards of Consuming Genetically Modified Foods Essay
Technological Controversy Paper Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe to Eat?Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are foods which have been influenced artificially for the purpose of human or animal consumption. They are modified using biology to enhance desired traits such as resistance against herbicides or higher nutritional intake by inserting genes from one organism into another. An example of this is pesticide-producing crops, where scientists manipulate the genes of a plant so that it constructs its own form of pesticide. There have been many controversies surrounding the usage and ethics of GMOS. On one hand, people argue that genetically modified foods are not only safe, but have nutritional as well as health benefits. A survey conducted by Pew Research Center revealed that 88 of AAAS scientists believed that GM foods were safe for human consumption, which contradicted the 57 of general public who voted that GM goods were unsafe for consumption (Funk, p.5). Reasons why people are against the genetic modification of food include concerns over potential risks of GM food, possibilities of ingesting toxins, allergens, and other aspects which could pose a risk to ones health.The sources I will be using for this essay include various scholarly articles as well as popular media. The scholarly articles I selected provide insight as to why genetically modified foods are or are not safe to eat, as well as a more in depth examination of the science and terms behind these topics. These articles include "Perceived and Potential Human Health Risks Associated with Consumption of Genetically Modified Animals. by Corrine Krentz, "-Carotene in Golden Rice Is as Good as -carotene in Oil at Providing Vitamin A to Children.", "The Effect of Genetically Modified Potatoes on Rat Small Intestine." By Arpad Pusztai, and STATE-OF-THE-SCIENCE ON THE HEALTH RISKS OF GM FOODS. The popular media that I selected for my paper are "5 Key Findings on What Americans and Scientists Think about Science." By Cary Funk, "Golden Rice Project." By...
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