A Day in an Italian Restaurant Essay

It was a warm summer day when his life turned upside down. He and some friends had been enjoying some delicious pizza you could only find at privately owned Italian restaurants. They took advantage of the luxurious warmth and sat on the front patio where they could watch people pass by on the busy Bloor Street.But soon the sunshine was cast aside, and as with most hot humid days the bright blue sky was overtaken with black masses. They were just finishing the last slice when a crash from the sky seemed to let loose an ocean of water.You look like drowned rats! exclaimed the owner with much amusement as they tore inside.Thats some fucked up weather, laughed one friend while examining his now see-through shirt.But he was no longer paying attention. His eyes had been diverted to a young woman who had just walked in. Her long brown hair, dripping wet and tousled, gave her a wild, untamed look. Her almond-shaped green eyes were captivating, and could lure anyone in who dared stare at them too long. Her heart shaped face didnt have a single blemish. His heart fluttered at a rate that must be unhealthy, and his breath was taken away by the amazing creature that stood before him.Yet at the same time his heart dropped and he felt sadness and regret wash over him as he realised the hushed words and party gossip had been true. Her eyes had lost their sharpness and were dull and blood-shot. Her hair had been slightly askew as she had ran in, a tell tale sign that her hair was not real. Her cheeks no longer had their adorable roundness and she looked as if she had lost at least 30 pounds. She walked with a slight limp.He never knew someone could change so much in two years. He never knew that after not seeing someone for so long that feelings long buried and forgotten could...


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