The Establishment and History of the Soft Drink, Lucozade Essay

Lucozade, firstestablished in 1927 is now a highly successful soft drinks product. As timeschange so do people, so in order to keep a wide customer base Lucozade has beenconstantly changing its image and broadening its appeal to the public. Toinvestigate how Lucozade has changed its image between 1960 and 2000 we haveexamined three television advertisements that Lucozade used to promote itsproduct. The first one was shown in 1960, the second in 1980 and the third in1999. The narrative of thefirst advertisement is about a small boy who is recovering from being ill andhe drinks the Lucozade with his mother. The director has chosen a typical1960s family so that people can relate to it. The mother is a stereotypicalhousewife, who has been chosen because the main target audience is housewivesbecause it would have been the wife that did the shopping and she would be theone that would give the children the Lucozade. The girl looks angelic, like aperfect little girl, to give the impression that it will create a happy andloving family and it gives an image of family perfection. The boy is shown asenergetic and active, even though he is supposed to be recovering from beingill because they did not want to associate negative impressions with theproduct. The boy is seen drinking thelucozade, which gives the impression that lucozade has helped him to recoverand has given him energy and has made him active, as he is banging his drum androlling around. The advertisement is locatedin a normal young boys bedroom that looks as if it has been lived in, so as tonot alienate the audience by making it seem too tidy. The director has chosenthe bedroom because it is where individuals spend most of their time when theyare ill. The packaging is a largeglass bottle, which can only be used in the home. The bottle is wrapped inorange cellophane to give it a medicinal look. This makes the packaging standout. The man delivering...


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