A History of Beverage Industry Essay

Contributing to this industrial revolution among other industries wereManufacturing, Agricultural, Automotive, Chemical, Hotel, Banking BusinessServices, Real estate, Tourism and information Technology to name a few. But onsuch industry that has been holding onto its share of the market since itsinception note in the USA - its birthplace - but all across the globe as well asthe Beverage Industry. It has introduced icons that very few are oblivious to.The industry and its role in the Pakistan economy, the conditions under which itis working and the effects it has on the consumers is to remain the concern ofthis study. According to Richard D. Brown and George J. Petrol (1986), thehistory of the Beverages industry start from 1886, when Atlanta chemist"Doe" Pemberton developed a reddish - brown syrup with a smidgen ofcocaine (for medicinal purposes) to compete with the many patent medicines andcure - all elixirs of that time. His company recommended it for the relief ofhangovers headaches, menstrual pains, and a host of other problem. One warmsummer day Pemberton took some syrup down to will is venerable at Jacob's DrugStore in Atlanta. An ounce of the mixture was put into a glass, which was thenfilled with water and ice, creating the first Coca-Cola. The headquarters ofCoca-Cola, now listed by fortune as one of the 50 top corporations in the UnitedStates, is still in Atlanta, Georgia. The actual sale and distribution of thatmagic elixir - which, needless to say, on longer contains cocaine - is handledlargely by a number of independent bottlers. These bottlers buy syrup, mix itwith carbonated water, and distribute it to retailers in their area. The numberof retailers who sell Coke to the public almost exceeds counting. In this way acompany with a magic formula but limited capital spread its name around thecountry and eventually around the globe. The organizational formula formerchandising apparently also had a bit of magic. But, of course, the productwas one that people wanted, which is perhaps the first law of...


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