An Analysis of Daily Calorie Intake Essay

For this particular assignment, I was assigned to analyze my caloric target. My current weight is 198 (lbs.) and my goal weight I want to reach is 160 (lbs.). I am twenty-nine years old and my current height is 5 feet and 6 inches. My activity life style is at a sedentary level and I am always at home usually doing homework and sitting, typing, reading, and working at my computer. I sometimes dont exercise. My goal date to lose weight is by January 2016. My caloric target goal is to consume about 1,500 calories a day, so I can reach my goal weight of 160 lbs. Each week I should lose about 0.5 to 2 lbs. a week, so I can meet my goal by January 2016. I am estimating this based on my weight, age, height, and activity level. I have been trying to lose weight since two weeks ago, and I am seeing a little progress. To make reference to my progress, today, in the morning, I ate Bisquick Real Pancakes Net Wt. 40 Oz (2Lb 8 Oz). In the food label it reads amount per serving is 160 calories which I mostly have consumed half of the calories in the box. Then I drank a glass of100 Pure Orange Juice From Concentrate With Calcium and Vitamin D Pulp Free 64 FL Oz (1.89L). In the orange juice it has 110 calories amount per serving which I have consumed some of the calories. In the afternoon I had a can of Progresso Light Chicken Noodle Net Wt. 18.5 Oz (1 LB 2.5 Oz). The label reads 70 calories amount per serving in which I have consumed the whole calories of the can. Then I drank a Pepsi can 12 FL Oz (355 ML). This Pepsi can label reads 150 calories amount per serving which I...


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