The Major Features and Corresponding Benefits of the Clinique Facial Soap Essay

PRODUCT ANALYSISPRODUCT AND BRAND NAMEClinique 3-Step SystemMAJOR FEATURES AND CORRESPONDING BENEFITS OF PRODUCTClinique Facial SoapFeatures BenefitsUnique soap formulated to Provides thoroughspecifically cleanse skin. cleaning and leaves skin comfortable. Cushioned lathering. Mild, gentle to skin.No wax fillers. Easy to rinse off.Hard-milled and generously Long lasting (3-4 months).sized (hard milling renders a A great value.solid bar without air).Clinically formulated by Soap is generallydermatologists. recommended bydermatologists as the best way to clean skin.Clinique Clarifying Lotion Features BenefitsExfoliation, which helps Skin appears smoother,speed the natural renewal softer with more lightof skin cells. reflecting qualities.Contains Menthol. Provides a cool,refreshing feeling for the skin.Exfoliation, removes Allows better make-updead skin cells. application. Make-upgoes on smoother and stays on longer.Dramatically Different Moisturizing LotionFeatures BenefitsLightweight formula. Comforts and soothes skin.Replaces lost moisture.Non-greasy formula. Leaves no residue. Penetrates into keratin layer.Replenishes moisture only Skin looks fresher and when needed. healthier.CURRENT ADVERTISEMENTS (MAJOR MEDIA SOURCES AND DOMINANT THEMES)Media Source ThemeMailer (McRaes Dept. Store) Free Gift 3-Step SystemBillboards (Paris Subway) 3-Step SystemMademoiselle Magazine (Sept. 2000) Hair CareTOP TWO MAJOR COMPETITORS1. Origins2. Estee LauderThe information was obtained from primary and secondary research. The primary sources were Jennifer Falcon, a Clinique Business Manager and Lori Hinton, a Clinique Consultant. The secondary source was attained from the Estee Lauder website.COMPARE YOUR PRODUCT TO YOUR COMPETITORS PRODUCTS(ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES)Clinique Origins Estee Lauder ADVANTAGESPrice 29.50 55.00 57.50Packaging Set Package Separate SeparateVariety of Formula 5 Strengths 2 Strengths 1 StrengthDISADVANTAGESUV Protection None SPF 15 SPF 15Alcohol-free Contains alcohol No alcohol No alcoholOil-free moisturizer Not oil-free Oil-free Oil-freeCURRENT AVERAGE PRICE (OR PRICE RANGE) AND LOCATIONS OF SALEPrice 29.50Location All major department stores(Ex Bloomingdales, Dillards, Lord Taylor, Macys, McRaes, Parisians, and Saks Fifth Avenue)OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATIONThe Estee Lauder Companies first launched Cliniques line of skin care in 1968. Cliniques mission has always been to meet individual skin care needs. Its 3-Step System of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing is the basis of Clinique skin care. All Clinique products are allergy tested, 100 fragrance free,...


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