An Introduction to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Essay
Cheese and MacaroniIf you ask any college student or any teenager now-a-days what meal they are best at making, they will probably answer by saying Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Not only being the easiest meal to make, it is also a quick treat. The process of making this delicious treat takes under fifteen minutes and can be done with common kitchen utensils and ingredients found in your kitchen. Macaroni and Cheese has been around for a long time and I can remember how to make it without even looking at the box. With a few simple steps and a little bit of creativity, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese can be a meal we can all learn to make and enjoy. Step 1First of all, you need to gather your utensils and your ingredients that you will need to make your meal. Ingredients that you will need are cup of milk, a cup of margarine, macaroni noodles, which are provided in the box, and the cheese sauce mix also provided in the box. A good way to prepare this meal is to set out all your ingredients on your counter so you will have them all at hand. Step 2Next lay out your cooking materials. You will need a cooking pot which is able to accommodate more than six cups of water and which will not overflow when the noodles are poured into the water. Another utensil needed for this procedure is a strainer to drain the noodles in. After the water has already boiled and you have cooked the noodles you will have to strain the noodles somehow, and the strainer will do the trick. Step 3Next, you are ready to begin cooking. Start off by pouring six cups of water into a stove safe bowl. Turn on your stove to the highest temperature so you can get the water to boil. This process of making the water...
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