A Description of the Johnsonville Sausage Co Essay

Johnsonville Sausage Co. a wholesale producer of sausage products based in the small rural town of Johnsonville, Wisconsin, has grown from a family home with a store front to a business that experienced 50 million in sales in 1985 and has grown to a business of well over 500 employees (case 1). Originally a retail based operation founded in 1945, the company decided to focus the efforts of its wholesale operations in 1965, with Ralph Stayers return from Notre Dame, where he had completed a bachelors degree in business. At this time, Ralph, who was officially named president of the company in 1978, and his father took a long hard look (case 1) at the companys retail and wholesale endeavors and made the decision to focus their efforts on building this the wholesale segment of the business, because it looked the most promising. The decision to concentrate on building the wholesale segment of the business and the aftermath that has been experienced by the company can be separated into two distinguishable periods First, the initial transition from a predominately retail oriented firm to that of producing primarily for wholesale endeavors. Second, the transition period that was designed to better utilize the growth that the company had experienced, since its founding as a wholesale producer. These periods differ primarily, because the first one accounts for the development of the conflict that the firm would experience and the second accounts for the corrective measures that were implemented. The conflict that arose within the company developed from A lack of vision An ineffective organizational structure Highly repetitive tasks A lack of employee participation in the company decision making process Low job satisfaction These issues, however, are not all the problems that developed with Johnsonville Sausage, but they did contribute to the failing efforts of the first period to create an environment that people saw as a means to their ends (case...


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