An Essay on the Wasted Food in America Essay

Everyone sees all the malnutrition children dying overseas because thy cant afford to purchase food for themselves or their families. Everyone also sees the people of America sending food and other relief items overseas to aid them. But there is a flip side to that coin which anyone can see by walking into one of Americas many restaurants. People can witness Americans spending allot of money on food then throwing half of it away.Most of the food that is wasted is for the most part good edible food. As in the case of McDonalds the wasted food is untouched. Scott said in a recent discussion in class They make us throw away the sandwiches after ten minutes because theyre not fresh. Another girl in class mentioned that people will buy an expensive plate and only eat half go what they pay for and end up trashing the rest. Others say why throw away the food lets take it home they dont realize that the Styrofoam box is trashed when they get home. People really need to moderate what they order so they dont have to take it all home or worse throw it away. After a busy night at the Japanese restaurant Miyako you see first hand all the wasted food piled up in a fifty five gallon trash bucket. If you also get the honor of washing the dishes you get to shove platefuls of food down the drainWhy does everyone waste so much food? Well in Scotts case at McDonalds most of the people dont want to wait that extra minute and a half therefore they have to make more food than the amount of people that come through the restaurant. sometimes people order something they dont like and end up wasting it but even that adds up to a lot of wasted food. The other reason food is wasted is that people will only spend a lot if they get a lot...


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