A Personal Narrative on a Favorite Restaurant Called The Seafood Shack in HHuntington Beach, California Essay

One of my favorite restaurants is The Seafood Shack in Huntington Beach, California. This little hidden gem is absolutely delicious. It lies inside a strip mall, and is essentially squished in the corner of the parking lot. I never would have tried this restaurant if it hadnt been recommended a family friend. But I must say, I will certainly take his recommendations from now on.I still remember walking in here for the first time and being greeted by a delicious garlicky Cajun smell. On the table, I noticed the lack of silverware and plates, but that seemed to phase none of the regular customers I was with, so I ignored my curiosity and confusion, and just sat down. Seafood is ordered by the pound, and can also be purchased via buckets. These buckets come with shrimp or crawfish, and a mixture of sausage, potatoes, mussels and clams. A variety of spices was available to us as well. My group ordered three pounds of shrimp in the original shack style seasonings, along with some other sides. I will never forget sitting at the table and watching that giant metal bowl of shrimp being brought out. I remember being confused as to why these little pink creatures were still looking at me. I had never eaten shrimp that still had their heads after being cooked, not to mention their eyes. This is when I also realized that the plastic table cloths, were actually to be used as plates. Eating at a restaurant with no plates? This seemed very strange to me, but I went along with it and peeled the head of my first shrimp. There truly is no way for me to give justice to the taste of this food through a written essay. Garlic, butter, and Cajun seasonings covered every single shrimp inside that metal bowl. I still remember visibly seeing the chopped garlic on every piece of seafood. They also brought out limes...


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