An Analysis of the Hotel Restaurants Industry Food Service Sector in Turkey Essay

HOTEL RESTAURANTS INDUSTRY FOOD SERVICE SECTOR IN TURKEYTurkey has a fast growing 5.6 billion HRI food service sector, due to increased incomes,urbanization, more women working outside the home, and huge growth in tourism. Major changes in the life styles, incomes, and consumption patterns of Turks in the last decade means they are increasingly prone to eat meals and socialize over food outside of the home. The growing number of fast food chains and restaurants in newly astablished shopping centers and hypermarket complexes are evidence of this newly emerging demand. A new and faster pace of life has also led people to find quicker meal solutions for their shortened lunch hours.This has developed two niche sectors fast food and institutional food service. Four factors helped this development1. Increased income levels The researches show that the per capita income level in Turkey doubled during the last two decades. According to purchasing power parity, per capita income was actually much higher. In addition, Turkey was one of the worlds 20 biggest economies in 1999.2. Urbanization and smaller household size The share of urban population increased from 44 to 65,and there was a sharp decrease in household size from 5.5 to4.4 individuals per household between 1978-98. The decrease in household size and increase in urbanization indicate an environment in which expenditures in the HRI sector will increase. 3. Growing number of working women The share of working people has increased from 15 to 28 of the total workforce during the last two decades. This has also led to an increase in recreational and social dining. People are beginning to prefer to meet friends and to eat out rather than at home, which directly increases food service expenditures.4. Growth in tourism Turkey has strong tourism industry, over 25 million foreign tourists have visited during the last three years. The sector is expected to reach 15 to 20 billion revenues per year within five years. Continued growth in tourism...


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