An Analysis of the Changes in the Food Industry During the Past 10 or 15 Years From the Point of View of DuPont Essay

In the food business, the past 10 or 15 years has seen significant changes. In this paper want to analyze these changes from the point of view of DuPont, one of the major ingredient company in the world. With this in mind I claim that global trends will bring new business opportunities, but DuPont should change its strategy to harvest the most of what the future will bringTo support my statement I collected qualitative and quantitative information. The information gathered were applied to define some future scenarios that were used as a baseline for strategic planning. MEGA-TRENDSThe first thing a reader needs to know is that global changes are creating new opportunities in food and nutrition industry (1). Particularly a new market of consumers focused on healthy food is emerging and the concept of healthy nutrition is permeating more aspects of our life. In a world with more people dying from obesity than for starvation, poor nutrition is now regarded as one of the major risks for chronic diseases.The next thing my reader needs to know is that the health systems are ill-prepared to face this trend. As a consequence, patients are more and more encouraged to take an active part in maintaining their health status, particularly via healthy food, rather than being a simple passive recipient of drugs (2).Considering this preamble, it is possible to identify several drivers shaping the food industry. The way by which they interact is extremely complex, so to simplify this analysis they can be group in four macro-trendsDEMOGRAPHICS. Demographic trends will have a material impact on the food industry value chain. With the global population predicted to peak at approximately 9 billion, the increased life expectancy and falling birth rates are creating unhealthy population pyramids in most developed countries (3). This suggests that not only do these trends magnify the need for an effective reaction from all the actors in the chain, but over time, they will radically change...


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