A Possible Food Shortage Due to the Increasing Global Population Essay

TheUnited Nations projects that the global population, currently at 6 billion, willpeak at about 10 billion in the next century and then stabilize or even decline.A question immediately following the statement, can the Earth feed that manypeople? It is understood that even if food crops increase sufficiently, otherrenewable resources, including many fisheries and forests, are already underpressure. Our food production doubled from 1961 to 1994, but there are stillpeople who go hungry. This is because the human population has increased morerapidly than the food production. One of the well-known economists Thomas RobertMalthus claimed that there was an imbalance between population growth and ourability to produce food. In his famous work, An Essay on the Principle ofPopulation, his principle of population was based on three main pointspopulation cannot increase without the means of subsistence populationinvariable increases when the means of subsistence are available and thesuperior power of population cannot be checked without producing misery or vice.When taking into account Malthus principle of population it is evident that hisfundamental analysis of population has been proven right. Since the earthresources are finite, when human population increases, it affects human beings.Will there be a problem if population keeps increasing? Rapid population growthand the technical development of society have led to difficulties for farmersworldwide to maintain this dual compatibility. In fact, today farmers facedemands for a high productivity as well as environmentally sound, sustainablefarming practices. Some economists believe human beings have the ability toproduce enough food to feed all the people in the world, but according toMalthus theory, this cannot happen. When the number of people keeps increasingwhile the amount of available food stays the same or even declines, human beingswill face a scarcity of resources and overpopulation in the world. This is whathappening right now. According to a well known biologist-Paul R. Ehrlich, whosaid The amount of food available restrains the size of any animal population,unless space, disease, predators, or some other factor sets lower limits. Whathe means is...


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