An Overview of the Advertising and the Moral Ethics by Mr. Royko of Mexican Restaurant Food Chain Essay

Advertising Rules Mr. Royko's decision not to endorse the Mexican restaurants issolid because he is following his own beliefs and ethics. People should maketheir own decisions of a product. Also, if he did endorse the restaurant byeating the taco he would be being dishonest to the viewers of the commercial. Inhis decision to not endorse the restaurant, Mr. Royko is following his own moralethics. Often people watch television commercials and see products beingendorsed by celebrities such as Shaquile Oneal endorsing Taco Bell. Theviewers are lead to believe that the famous support these products and that bybuying them will make them a popular person too. Often the celebrities thatendorse products only do so for the money and do not stand behind them with anyguarantees or actually using the product themselves. In a basic sense, thecelebrities are lying to the people that they are trying to sell the product to.When television viewers see Shaquile Oneal biting into a taco, they are leadto believe that he eats there and likes the food. This advertisement also leadsthe viewers to think that if a superstar like him eats there that the food mustbe good and so they decide to go there based on the thought the ShaquileOneal might think that the food is good even though he never says so. Thethought never comes to mind that maybe they should talk to someone that haseaten there and ask them how the food tasted or if they wold recommend goingthere. In Mr. Mike Roykos case he does not wish to endorse the Mexicanrestaurant chain because he does not like Mexican food and also does not want toimply to the television audience that he is recommending it to them. He wouldrather not do the restaurant commercial and not make the money than to do it andgive a false impression to the audience of the commercial. People should rely ontheir own standards to make the choice about a product and not the image ofsomeone...


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