An Introduction to the Analysis of Ad's for a Food Product in the Media Essay

Turnon any television show or look through any teen magazine, and what do youusually see? You will probably notice at least one ad for a food product that isbeing eaten by happy and good looking people. What is the message being sent toour adolescents today? Is it better to eat good food or be thin like a model?This is a hard choice that teenage girls have to face everyday. Most peoplebelieve that thinner is better. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder thatusually strikes women. The term anorexia means loss of appetite. Of the 7million women from age 15 to 35 who have an eating disorder, many will die fromthe complications of anorexia. They suffer from eating disorders because ofanger, depression, and the wish to be thin. Teens that control their body weightgives them a sense of control in their lives. Someone that suffers from aneating disorder is a person that uses food to work out emotional problems andtries to get rid of feelings by eating or dieting. But what influences dietingin the first place? Psychological influences and genetics are the maininfluences on eating disorders in general. Mothers of anorexics are themselvesfocused on their own weight and appearance. Woman struggle to make their bodiesconform to the ideal female body and appearance. Anorexia nervosa is defined asa disorder in which a person becomes noticeably underweight, yet feels fat andfears becoming obese. Of all anorexics, 95 of them are women under twenty. Thisusually begins as a weight-loss diet and develops in adolescence. Anorexicsnever believe that they are thin enough and they limit their intake of food.They see themselves as too fat, no amount of food is small enough, and noweight is ever low enough. By starving themselves, it helps them deal withnormal pressures of life as a teenage girl in society. They begin to pull awayfrom those around them even before the disorder begins. The pattern ofwithdrawal makes it difficult for others to realize the disorder. Generally, anobservation...


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