An Introduction to the Importance of Human Nutrition and How It Affects the Health and Survival of the Human Body Essay
Human nutrition is the study of how food affects the health and survival of thehuman body. Human beings require food to grow, reproduce, and maintain goodhealth. Without the food our bodies could not stay warm, build or repairtissues, and maintain a good heartbeat. Eating the right foods could help us ridcertain diseases or recover faster other illness occur. These and otherimportant functions are dueled by chemical substances in our food callednutrients. Nutrients play a major role in maintaining the bodies organs infunctioning at its p0roper level. The Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR) is ininfluenced by the body site and on state of nutrition. The BMR is an importantdiagnostic tool especially in determines disorders of the thyroid gland.Inadequate secretion of the thyroid may lead to greatly depresses metabolismwith mental and physically lethargy. Depression is a complex illness with manyfacets of which mood is only one. Depression is a form of mental illness which aperson experiences great sadness and despair in one. Depression can also beconsidered as self-destructive hatred, blaming oneself for being full ofhelpfulness. Depression can also be used to describe the blues a person may feelfrom time to time. Depressive disorders are at the present the highest-rankingproblems in America. A variety of medical conditions can cause and lead todepression. A depressive disorder is a whole body illness involving yourbody, mood and thoughts. People with severe depressive disorder usually dealwith a combination of genetics, behavioral, and environmental factors. Peoplewith these feelings have greater thoughts towards committing suicide. Fiftiethpercent of depressed people commit and others attempt suicide. Most of thesedepressed persons suffer from malnutrition. Mental Health a, psychological stateof well being, a sense of purpose in life. Self-esteem, self-assurance, andself-acceptance, are all characteristics of mental health. Mental health is termused to refer to the absense of mental disorder. Mental health is focused uponby a persons capability of dealing with strenous situations. Being able toelude cognitive, emotional, and dysfunctional behavior is good form of mentalhealth. A positive strategy for...
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