A Report on the Six Groups of Nutrients: Water, Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Minerals, and Vitamins Essay

Nutrition Nutrition is the science that deals with food and how the body usesit. All living things need food to live. The food supplies energy, whichpeople need to perform certain actions. Food also provides substancesthat the body needs to build and repair its tissues and to regulate itsorgans and organ systems. Food provides certain chemical substances needed in order for aperson to maintain good health. These chemical substances are callednutrients. Nutrients can perform three important functions. They providematerials for building, repairing, or maintaining body tissues. They helpregulate body processes. They serve as fuel to provide energy. Thebody needs energy to maintain all its functions. People who do not getenough nutrients are sometimes lazy and are unwilling to work. The foods we eat contain thousands of different chemicals. Ourbody, however, only needs only a few dozen of these chemicals in orderto stay healthy. These are the nutrients that the body needs. Nutrientsare divided into six main groups. They are (1)water, (2)carbohydrates,(3)fats, (4)proteins, (5)minerals, (6)vitamins. Water, carbohydrates, fats,and proteins are called macronutrients. Since macro means large, thebody needs these four nutrients in large amounts. Minerals and vitaminsare called micronutrients (because micro means small). The body needsonly small amounts of these nutrients. Water is the most important nutrient. Our bodies can survivewithout other nutrients for several weeks, but we can only go withoutwater for about one week. Water is needed in great amounts becausethe body consists largely of water. Between 50 and 75 percent of anormal person's body weight is made up of water. The body needs waterto carry out all of its life processes. Watery solutions help dissolve othernutrients and carry them to all of the tissues. The body also needs waterto carry away waste products and to cool itself. Adults should drinkabout 2 12 quarts of water every day. The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are needed because they havenutrients which provide energy. Carbohydrates include all sugars and starches. They are the mainsource of energy for living...
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