My Experiences in the Pizza-Eating Contest During the 2012 All-Region Clinic Essay

The meal that shaped me the most was the lunch at Cicis pizza during my 2012 all-region clinic. We had pizza-eating contests, which ended up making people really sick. I felt really bad for the Cicis pizza staff. You can honestly tell a lot about a band kid in how fast they eat. There is something enjoyable about gorging yourself in a competition that no one really ever wins. The pizza-eating contest was the talk of the band for several weeks before hand. There was talk about what the different people who planned to be involved in this event did to train to consume copious amounts of pizza, and I have to admit, didnt sound pretty. Most of their plans were to stuff themselves full until they popped, or so they said. One of them claimed, You have to let the grease allow the pizza to slide down. The thought of this made me a sick little did I know the contest would be pretty gruesome. There were quite a few people who trained, but only consisted of three sections, the tuba, clarinet, and saxophone sections. The tuba section, who had about eight members, all seemed to prefer meat lovers pizza, which matches their instruments quite well both have a hearty characteristic to them. The Saxophone section, which is the section I was in, had six members all preferred pepperoni pizza, which just like saxophone, is a very classic choice. The last group to participate were the clarinet section, who had about ten members in their section, preferred cheese and Canadian bacon pizza, which also compares to the instrument, because its light yet enjoyable.Believe it or not, you can determine a dedicated band kid by how fast or slow they eat. The slower they eat shows they are super dedicated in getting things right. In other words, they slow things down to enjoy every piece of the pizza and song. The faster they eat...


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