An Analysis of the Topic of the Jordan Catalano Character in the Show My So-Called Life Essay

Kimberley Lloyd Ningil 3Jordan Catalano is a bit of an enigma. He doesn't talk a lot, which makes it all to easy to read into him whatever one wants to see in him. This much is known. Jordan is one of those loners who ditches every class save for PE and Shop and consequently has been held back a few years, two in Jordan's case, making him a junior at Liberty High. Jordan has trouble reading, but no one really ever notices save for Angela and Mr. Katimski. He sings, writes songs, and plays the guitar for Frozen Embryos, which changed its name to Residue after Tino left the band. He loves his car. He smokes. He knows how to get you a fake ID. His father used to beat him, until he fought back and threw a chair at his old man. He has an extremely hard time expressing himself, especially to Angela. Jordan has a thing for Angela, which she reciprocates intensely. They dated for a while, until he "ummed" Rayanne. Things looked bad for the relationship after that, until he got Brian, his English tutor, to ghost-write a letter to Angela for him. Angela Chase is 15 years old she's a sophomore at Liberty High. You remember what it's like to be 15 and in highschool, don't you? Perhaps not maybe you're fifteen now or maybe you're still waiting for "the big one-five". Regardless, you can relate to Angela Chase. Like most teenages, she's got a little Holden Caulfield in her she's stuggling with issues of identity and has begun to question both her own and that of those around her. "It just seems like, you agree to have a certain personality or something. For no reason. Just to make things easier for everyone. But when you think about it, I mean, how do you know it's even you?" Like most teens in throes of self evaluation, Angela is attempting to discover...
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