An Analysis of the Prosody of Scaffolding, a Poem by Seamus Heaney Essay

Rhythm, meter, and overarching sound effects also known as prosody bring the words of a poem to life and offer readers a deeper understanding of the piece overall. To best grasp a poems prosody, the reader must first analyze and interpret the poem through the process of scansion. Analysis of scansion allows the reader to understand why a poet might establish particular patterns of rhythm and meter, perhaps uncovering the true tone of a piece or newfound significance in the verse. In Seamus Heaneys poem, Scaffolding, the benefits of scansion become clearly visible. A conscious reader notices that the poems prosody actually supports and compliments the semantics of the poem in ways invisible prior to proper analysis. On the poems surface, Heaney uses metaphor to establish a connection between a well-built bridge and a well-built relationship. After analysis of the piece, an attentive reader will notice that Seamus Heaneys use of rhyme and iambic pentameter bring consistency and structure to his poem, mirroring the overall motif of the work. Heaneys ability to parallel the poems structure alongside its story is significant because it creates a confident relationship between the poem and the reader. By understanding this correlation between the poems semantics and prosody, readers of Scaffolding may begin to appreciate the beauty within this poem that lives beyond the page.Many readers would classify Scaffolding as a loving and uplifting poem, a piece of art that eloquently transforms a persons passion into verse. Yet, many of these same readers might not know why they find this poem so powerful. The answers to why this poem functions as a meaningful work of art become apparent through proper scansion. In this poem, Heaney utilizes an easy to understand couplet rhyme scheme. Through rhyme, Heaney forms trust and comfort between himself and the readers of the poem. Rhyme creates rhythm. Rhythm generates feelings of security because it gives readers a sense of familiarity and consistency with the...
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