An Analysis of the Television Show Little Mosque on the Prairie Essay

The first episode of the Little Mosque on the Prairie show is anattempt to represent the Muslim community in the Canadian media andcorrect the stereotype that they are terrorists. The show explores theinteraction between the Muslims and non-Muslim people living in the townof Mercy. The show also presents an interaction between liberalinterpretations of the religion of Islam and the conservative views ofthe same religion. Baber and Fatima present the conservative views ofIslam while Amaar and Rayyan present more liberal views of the religion.According to what I watched in the first episode of the show, I stronglyfeel that the show made an attempt to expose a number of prejudices inCanadian society against the Muslim community including radicalinsurgency and marginalization of women. In my opinion, I think that the show has managed to be successful inexposing the prejudices because it makes a balanced presentation of theMuslim community. For instance, the Canadian man suspected terroractivity when he sees them first time at the place of worship.. However,the show disproves such stereotypes by representing Muslims as peacefulpeople who can live with people from a different culture and not harmthem. Additionally, Rayyan as a character represents a young female whofollows Islamic feminism which oppose the marginalization of women, sothe show also presents the fact that Muslim women can also be successfulin their career and makes their own decisions, which also disproves whatpeople think about Islam.It is important that we deal with cultural differences in our currentCanadian society because of the fact that it promotes peace among peoplefrom the many different cultures who come to live in this country. Themedia has a significant influence in promoting co-existence in a diversesociety such as Canada by promoting positive images and shunningstereotypes. Hence, at the end of the first episode of Little Mosqueon the Prairie'' the new Imam fix mistakes that occurred and whichcaused misunderstanding to Muslims in Canadian society....
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