An Analysis of the Straight Edge Philosophy Essay

The Straight Edge philosophy is one that promotes a drug, alcohol, caffeine and smoke-free lifestyle in addition to no casual sex. Although most parents and teachers are thrilled when youth espouse these beliefs, there is a violent subculture within this broad philosophy that is reason for concern. Unfortunately, a sect of youth are violently enforcing the positive philosophy on fellow students who do not choose the Straight Edge lifestyle. Not all Straight Edgers should be labeled as a threat, but understanding the roots of this philosophy and of the violent tendencies that could occur may help fellow youth, parents and school officials recognize potential danger before a beating takes place or worse a death. Most gang experts agree that the philosophy emerged from the punk rock music scene in the mid-1980s when the phrase Straight Edge was coined from a song of the same name by the band Minor Threat. The straight edge symbol is the letter X, a symbol that is commonly placed on youths hands at bars and concerts to indicate that they are not of age to consume alcohol. For group members, it is not uncommon to see straight edge written out -- sXe. Those who have taken on the beliefs of the Straight Edge lifestyle usually have the X in a visible location on their body. The triple Xs are a symbol for Hardline straight edgers and some are considered to have violent tendencies, according to Michelle Arciaga, Research Associate with the National Youth Gang Center and national expert on Straight Edge. Hardline individuals have expanded on the principles of Straight Edge to include activism for animal rights, environmentalism, anti-abortion, anti-sexism and anti-racism. The Hardline Manifesto states that any means, even violence, is appropriate to accomplish the goals of the manifesto, which include furthering the above causes. According to Arciaga, it is through the hardline movement that animal activism and terrorist groups like Animal Liberation Front became associated with the outer...
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