An Analysis of the Relation between Heathcliff and Catherine in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Essay

Many people think that Heathcliff was an extremely violent and cold-hearted man, but they did not see his true personality. Heathcliff is a loving and caring person, but hides this from everyone but Catherine. Catherine is the only person he truly cared about, and shares his true personality with. When he is around other people he hides his feelings behind a mask of no emotion, but when his love is betrayed his mask breaks, and he can no longer hide his emotions. When Heathcliff first comes to Wuthering Heights, he creates a mask to hide his feelings from everyone, and protect himself from any pain. Heathcliff is hated by everyone because of what he is, a gipsy, and things that happened because of him, such as Hindley's fiddle being crushed, and Catherine's whip being lost. Mr. Earnshaw is the only person that treats him as part of the family, this creates a bond between them. Unfortunately, Hindley felt that he was being replace by Heathcliff and tries his best to make Heathcliff's life miserable. Heathcliff puts up with Hindley without shedding a tear, or fighting back, "He seemed a sullen, patient child, hardened, perhaps, to ill-treatment he would stand Hindley's blows without winking or shedding a tear." Whenever he was being picked on, he would keep his anger contained inside, hidden behind a mask of no emotion he had created. With Catherine and Heathcliff both hating Hindley, they became friends. Heathcliff grew up only having two people that cared about him, his new father Mr. Earnshaw, and his new sister and friend Catherine, but with Mr. Earnshaw's death he would only have Catherine's love and support. After Mr. Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff opened up more to Catherine and less to everyone else. With Mr. Earnshaw's death, Heathcliff depended more on Catherine for love and support. With Hindley as the new master, Heathcliff was treated as a servant, and even though he hated Hindley and...


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