An Analysis of the Secretive Characters in Anne Rice\'s Blood Canticle Essay

The book Blood Canticle written by Anne Rice has several secretive characters. Lestat de Lioncourt, the main character is very knowledgeable, quite the philosopher, over protective and very enigmatic handsome strong vampire. His mind is clouded with a certain woman called Rowan Mayfair. Caring for two vampire apprentices, Mona Mayfair and Quinn Blackwood who he has performed the Dark Trick on them. He must resolve how to deal with the Mayfair ghosts and unravel the secrets of the Mayfairs, while archiving his dream to becoming a saint. Over protectiveness can be a weakness but not to Lestat. To him, protecting something he deeply cares about would give him strength. Being haunted by his past he tries to atone for his sins by making sure no vampire or unholy being disturbs New Orelens. Lestat had turned Mona into a newly vampire and she was experiencing thirst. Along the way to New Orelens, Lestat had sensed something. Quinn too also sensed someone had trespassed but Mona did not. Lestat knew that the trespassers were vampires, and that they were drunk with power. Lestat being disgusted, he tracked them down with Quinn and Mona. The three drunken vampires were Semitic or Arabic descent, all of them being tanned skin, rippling jet black hair to the waist, very tall with large facial features and most of all being inheartly graceful. Lestat instantly knew that they were born from a much older vampire but he over looked this. They have been killing innocent children claiming to be like Lestat in the Vampire Chronicles. This enrages Lestat stating You knew the law, you chose to break it. You thought youd slip in and out, leaving your sins behind you. And you murder children in my name? You never learned from my pages. Dont throw them at my face. At this moment he told his apprentices to feed on them. The three drunken vampires did not mind dying by the order of...


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