An Analysis of the Topic of the Essays Spic in English by Victor Villanueva and The Achievement of Desire by Richard Rodriguez Essay

Adapt but not AssimilateIn the essays Spic in English by Victor Villanueva and The Achievement of Desire by Richard Rodriguez, we learn different viewpoints of what it is like for someone with a Hispanic background to adjust to the American life. Villanueva writes about how people tried to force him out of his culture to become what is known as a proper American however, he did not let someone diminish his past From Rodriguezs essay, it talks about how it is easier to assimilate to the American culture in order to succeed in the growing community. The definition of the American culture is vague and indescribable. Being of Hispanic decent and adjusting to the American life should be a sense of a common blend where one does not over power the other. When being bicultural, you get the benefits of speaking multiple languages and having a unique background however, in order to have these benefits, one must glorify both cultures equally and not let one over power the other.To most people, being American means that you are white with no other associated race. You most likely have blond hair and blue eyes (Villanueva). The reality behind that is nobody is fully American having this image. With an American person, there is no expanded background. Being Latino American, you have two different identities that make you different from the rest. Latinos can be a variety of countries. Some can be from Puerto Rico, El Salvador, or most commonly known, Mexico. When living in America, most people will see you as just Mexican nevertheless, it gives you an opportunity to prove them wrong and give them insight to your culture. Most cultures can date back to hundreds of years of history while American history only started after all other countries were established. Furthermore, your identity comes from having a very diverse background.In addition to having a unique background, most Chicanos are bilingual and are able to connect...
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