An Analysis of the Song Waterfalls by TLC Essay

Songs that typically come on the radio are recognized immediately because of the melodic appeal they hold. They are recognized for 4 or 5 notes they scale along in the hook of the song, and never for the actual lyrics in the verses. This was true for me personally when listening to the song Waterfalls by TLC. Most people know the chorus dont go chasing waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that youre used to. What they do not see is the meaning behind these words, which are that you should not go out and follow your dreams, but instead stick to the path you already know because you might not be able to handle it. The song seems to take place in the slums of a bigger city of some kind, but it doesnt specify what city.In the first verse, lead singer Tionne Watkins sings from the perspective of a mother repeatedly being lied to by her son about where he is during the night or what he does in the streets to make his money (another body laying cold in the gutter) She prays for him all the time, but it doesnt seem to help because he doesnt ever listen to what she has to say. Her love is unconditional and she only wants him to do better, but he doesnt listen.In the second verse, Tionne sings about a male who has a natural obsession for temptation but doesnt realize until it is too late that this temptation has cost him his life. He believes that this temptation is good for him, and that it is helping him. It is unclear whether the temptation is drugs or sex. His health is fading and he doesnt know why-Three letters took him to his final resting place. These three letters they are referring to could be HIV or PCP. HIV could have easily been contracted after the temptation of many women and...
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