An Analysis of the Symbol of Coyote in Tortilla Curtain by T. Coraghessan Boyle Essay

Coyote In Tortilla Curtain The Coyote In The Tortilla Curtain by T. Coraghessan Boyle, the authorrepeatedly draws parallels between the actual coyote and the figurative coyote.Boyle uses the actual coyote to show how the animal actually is. In this novelthe coyote acts as a symbol for many things. Boyle parallels the figurativecoyote with Jose Navidad who is portrayed as the bad character in the novel.Boyle also uses the coyote to parallel the illegal immigrants and the way thecoyote lives. Candido is one of the main characters in the novel that is anillegal Mexican and is paralleled to the coyote. Boyle points out how the coyoteis symbolic of illegal aliens. He also shows the meanings of the literal coyoteto the real animal itself. In each of these cases, we see how the coyote playsan important role in The Tortilla Curtain. The coyote in this novel is symbolictowards the characters' actions and their way of life. In the first part ofthe novel entitled "Arroyo Blanco" we see how Boyle uses the literal coyoteto portray the real animal. The Mossbacher family consists of Delaney, Kyra, andJordan. They own two terrier dogs named Sacheverell and Osbert. One night acoyote jumps over and eats Sacheverell. The family is heart broken over this sothey put up an even higher fence to keep out any unwanted animals. Again, thecoyote jumps over the fence and eats the other dog named Osbert. It seems asthough the coyote will do whatever is has to do to survive. Even if that meansbreaking and entering. The homeowners association is trying to put up a gate tokeep out "the Salvadorans, the Mexicans, the blacks, the gangbangers, andtaggers and carjakers..."(pg 39). Boyle uses the coyote as a symbol ofbreaking in and taking whatever he wants. Even though the Mossbachers put up aneven higher fence, it still did not keep the coyote out, just as the gate maynot keep out the illegal aliens. Delaney is outraged at the...
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