An Analysis of The Runner by Cynthia Voigt Essay

Aaron ChatmanMr. Huddleston103126th HourThe RunnerSamuel "Bullet" Tillermen. Young. Quiet. Quick learner. Dead. The first time I read the ending of The Runner, was during the middle of the third chapter. Being very curious I skipped to the very end of the book and read that Bullet had died. Me, hating Bullet at that time, was almost relieved when I learned of his demise. He was a know it all, prejudice, annoying kid in my eyes and I thought he had gotten what he deserved. As the story progressed though, I started to admire bullet and by the end of the book even like him. When I read the ending for the second time I understood the ending and was saddened by it. I had also felt that the part where his mom threw the telephone through the window of the company was kind of weird. I felt that it was very odd that no one tried to stop her or chase her down when she walked away to the boat. I felt that as a character bullet had grown exponentially and was a lot more likeable at that point. The ending doesn't follow a traditional hero's journey though because Bullet isn't really reborn. He goes out to the army and dies doing what he always did. Running.If the novel had ended differently Bullet would probably have followed his dad's line of work. Towards the ending, Bullet is contemplating on whether or not to go to the army or stay at the farm because they are both boxes. While he was contemplated he was thinking that even if he did stay boxed in at the farm he wouldn't necessarily be boxed in. He was thinking because it was his choice to stay, it would have made the old man mad and therefore wouldn't be a box. I think Bullet would have become a man more like Patrice because he became a lot more tolerant of things...
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