An Analysis of the Relationship Stages of Jane and Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Essay

Charlotte Bronts Jane Eyre can be viewed in many different ways, but most of all, it is a romantic novel Some, however, dont see it this way. The beginning stages of the love relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochesters are a bit unusual. Some may say Mr. Rochester treats Jane unfairly. Its not until later on in the story when Jane meets another man, that she realizes her true love for Mr. Rochester. This is what makes a romantic novel.There are two stages or parts to the relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester. The first stage begins when they first meet in chapter 10 and continues until Janes departure in Chapter 27. This stage of their relationship is best described as dishonest and somewhat peculiar. When Jane and Rochester first meet, (p.129), she is unaware that the rider, who has just fallen off of his horse, is Mr. Rochester, her trip to the post office is interrupted when a horse slips on some ice and throws the rider off. Jane goes to offer help to this stranger. After refusing to let Jane go for help, the rider starts asking her questions about the owner of Thornfield. Rochester acts somewhat startled when Jane admits shes never actually seen the owner. Not only is this first encounter extremely strange because he forgets to mention the fact that he is Mr. Rochester, but he acts startled when she admits that shes never met her employer, the infamous Mr. Rochester. Throughout the whole first part of Jane and Rochesters relationship, we constantly see Rochester testing Jane in all different ways. In chapter 14, he blatantly asks Jane if she thinks he is a handsome man. (When people ask such questions, its either a joke to see what someone will say, or the person is just extremely conceited which Rochester doesnt show at any other time).The first time we see the connection between Rochester and Jane is when they have...


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