An Analysis of the Similarities between Ree Dolly and Uncle Teardrop in Daniel Woodrell's Novel Winter's Bone Essay

Ree Dolly shares the most similarities with her Uncle Teardrop as opposed to her father or mother. The first way in which Ree is similar to Teardrop is their strong adherence to the rules of the community. Her father appears to have snitched breaking the paramount rule of the community and her mother doesnt make many comments on the rules within the area. In the truck while Teardrop is taking her home from her beating, he tells Ree, Jessup wentn turned snitch, and thats the only biggest ancient no-no of all, aint it? (Woodrell 140). The details of Jessups snitching are unknown but Teardrop knows that Jessup did do it and he is dead because of it. He also calls it the only biggest ancient no-no of all. He strongly believes that one shouldnt snitch and there will be serious consequences because he considers it the most important rule in the community by calling it the biggest of all. Teardrop also believes in the general principle in not getting into other peoples business which encompasses not snitching. At their meeting in Teardrops house, he warns, Dont you, nor nobody else, neither, ever go down around Hawkfall askin them people shit about stuff they aint offerin to talk about (Woodrell 25). He strongly tells her that she should not go to Hawkfall. This is for her own safety which becomes evident since when she went to Hawkfall later on she was beaten to a pulp. He also believes in a general adherence to the rules and does not want her to break one by asking people about something they arent interested in sharing. Ree also strongly believes in the rules of the community. She says to her two brothers Never. Never ask for what ought to be offered (Woodrell 5). Woodrell chose to highlight the word Never in order to emphasize the absoluteness of the statement. She never wants her brothers to ask for things...
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