An Analysis of the Theme of Running Away in Kiana Davenport's The Lipstick Tree, Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, Jay Asher's Th1rteen R3asons Why, and the Movie Whale Rider Essay

Running away is what most people do when they are facing hardships that they cannot deal with. In the short story, The Lipstick Tree, written by Kiana Davenport, Eva, the main character runs away from her tribal home to become a modern woman. She decides to face the problem of domestic abuse, lack of further education, and the hardships against women by running away to Wewak, a town with modern conveniences and a hospital. Although running away isnt always the most popular solution, there are characters who would both agree and disagree with the concept from other popular literature and media. The Youngers, from A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, Hannah Baker, from TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY, by Jay Asher and Pai, from the movie Whale Rider would have different opinions on the issue. The Youngers and Hannah would choose to leave with Eva, but Pai would choose to stay. All the characters have different reasons because of how they lived.The Younger family would have agreed with Evas running away to find a better life. In the book A Raisin in the Sun, the main goal of the Younger family is to find a new house for their family, so that they may start anew, despite the hardships that they have encountered. After all, when the moving men arrive, Ruth, the mother figure in the story is so excited to leave and start a new life she giddily exclaims,LETS GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!(113) Because the Youngers were in search of a better life, just as Eva was, if they were to disagree, it would be extremely hypocritical to their morals and ideas. The book also describes that the white people in the Clayborne would not want them to live in the town, reiterating that both parties had people trying to stop them from leaving, such as Ernest would have done to Eva. Just like the Youngers, Eva was equally as excited and...


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