An Examination of the Southwest Airlines and the Suggestion to Take Advantage of Its Competitive Environment Essay

Executive Summary The following report examines the external environment that SouthwestAirlines operates within. In order to successfully explore every aspect ofthe airline industry, the examination looks at Porter's five forces beforeperforming a PEST analysis. As each aspect is analyzed, its relativeimportance is noted (low, moderate, or high). At the end of the analyses,recommendations are made for the Southwest Airlines company. Theserecommendations are made on the basis of the fact that the airline industryseems to be characterized by a lack of customer satisfaction and overalldiscontent among consumers of the industry. The examination closes withoptimism, suggesting Southwest takes advantage of their competitiveenvironment. The airline industry is an extremely volatile industry which hasshown great responsiveness to a number of forces in its externalenvironment. As such, for any company in the airline industry to besuccessful, they must be very aware of these various forces, how to respondto them, and how to predict them. The following paragraphs will perform anin-depth analysis of the airline industry using both Porter's five forcesmodel as well as a PEST analysis before making some final recommendationsfor Southwest Airlines based on these analyses. Threat of New Competition (low) The airline industry is extremely competitive. However, one must keepin mind that there are significant barriers to entry. For instance, toenter into the airline industry, a company must make a significantinvestment in capital such as planes, jets, and corresponding technology tohelp manage safety and customer relationships. In addition to thisconsideration, because of the recent turbulence that the airline industryhas felt in regards to economic downturns and political regulation (whichwill be discussed later), would-be newcomers have been hesitant to enterthe industry. Finally, competition is experienced in two respects that is,on price and on luxury. (Brueckner, Lee and Singer, 2012) Any newcompetitors would...
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