An Analysis of the Archetypes in Casper, a Film by Brad Silberling Essay

In the movie Casper three archetypes are shown through the deathand growth of the characters. The movie Casper shows a girl who movesinto a new home and town with her father and needs a friend. There aremany obstacles that she encounters on her way. Throughout the story evilis shown by the greedy home owner Ms. Carrigan and her partner Dibs,regeneration is shown through the death and the bringing back to life, lossof innocence is shown when Cat looses her father after her mother isalready dead.Throughout the story evils get in Cats way of helping Casper. Ms.Carrigan the owner of the house finds out about the treasure and wants tosteal it for herself. Fatso, Stretch, and Stinkie are always causingtrouble for Cats dad and eventually they take it to far and end up gettinghim killed. Dibs is always helping Ms. Carrigan and one day he getseveryone out of the house and this gives Ms. Carrigan the opportunity tofind the treasure.Regeneration is all through the story and it could be called thetheme. Regeneration is first shown when Cats father gets killed at thebar and they have to use the last of the juice that brings people back tolife. But first they had to get it from the evil Ms. Carrigan. The secondexample is when Cats mom comes back for a short time to see Cat and Dr.James, Cats father. The last is when Cats mom turns Casper back into aboy so that he can dance with Cat at her party.With all the death in the movie Cat has to come to realize thereality of death and that it can happen to someone that she loves. Eventhough they dont show Cats mothers death in the movie it plays a big partin the way that she acts and feels. She grew up a little with her mothersdeath but not alot because she was still young. the second was when herfathers dies and she has to find a way to...
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