An Analysis of the Character of John Conlan in The Pigman Essay

John Conlan is a main character in the book The Pigman. Hedoesn't act, think and have a social reputation as many people mightthink. He is a sophomore in high school. He is about six feet tall and hasblue eyes. He has long brown hair, he's skinny and many people think heis handsome. His eyes are large and they are the kind that stares rightinto you.John drinks and smokes more than anybody, (John's best friend,Lorraine thinks). He also curses way too much in Lorraines eyes. Shethinks he acts bad because he craves attention because his family reallydoesn't care about him. He once as a freshman was nicknamed thebathroom bomber because he set off bombs that would explode and goevery where in the boys bathroom. Once he got over that he organized afruit roll. On Wednesdays was when at his school they sold small rottenapple, he would tell everyone to buy one and in the class when he gavethe signal everyone would roll their apples toward the teacher.John doesn't like school all that much he gets very bored and neverwants to go.John is not at all compassionate except for when he is around Lorraine. He doesn't care about how much he smokes and drinks. John is the kindof kid who doesn't care about anything and won't mind taking money oritems that he shouldn't have.Lorraine believes that John has compassion deep inside of him. She also believes that John family is the source problem of all hisproblems. Most people think he is all trouble. Many people realize thathe drinks and smokes too much for his age.John has a couple problems with how he acts, how he feels andwhat other people think about him. We will see if throughout the bookany of those problems become resolved and John becomes a betterperson because of that....
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