An Analysis of the Characters in the Lifeboat, a Movie by Alfred Hitchcock Essay

LifeboatThe many characters in Alfred Hitchcock s classic movie Lifeboat portrayed a variety of alternating task roles not only in creating a fluctuating group dynamic, but fatal decision making as well. Nine characters originally occupied the small lifeboat after their ship was sunk by a German submarine Connie Porter a female reporter, Mrs. Higgins and her son Johnny, Alice Mackenzie a nurse, Stanley Garret (Sparks) a ship s officer, Kovac a worker on the ship, Charles Rittenhouse a wealthy factory owner, George Spencer (Joe) ship s steward, Gus Smith (Schmidt) an injured sailor, and Willy A German naval officer. Through the whole film many of the characters slip back and forth between different roles, oftentimes assuming two or more task roles at once.Connie Porter was the first survivor to be in the boat, aware that the ship was sinking she simply had herself lowered into the lifeboat with her belongings and rowed to safety. In a short while, more survivors began to pull themselves into the boat. Connie being a great reporter tried vainly to save all her belongings during the entire movie and manages to lose all of her worldly possessions including a precious bracelet she had had throughout her career as a reporter. On the lifeboat, Connie tended to lean towards being a help seeker but at different times became an information seeker and a leader.Mrs. Higgins and her dead baby were the final people to enter the boat. Finding that her baby was dead Mrs. Higgins was in a terrible emotional state. Her character in the film was a help seeker as well as an information seeker. After a few hours Mrs. Higgins frantic outbursts caused the crew to restrain her ending in her ultimate demise. During the night, she kills herself by jumping over the side of boat. The crew awoke to find her gone, the rope taut, with her body on the end of the line.The rest of crew provided...
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