An Analysis of the Character of Michael Henchard in The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy Essay

Micheal Henchard lived a life that could only be lived in a story. It had more ups and downs than one could imagine experienceing. He became the Mayor of Casterbridge after years of being a poor hay-trusser. After the death of his wife, and loseing everything he had, he becomes and outcast in the town of Casterbridge. He has lost all the loved ones and friends he had, losing his daughter elizabeth-jane was very hard on him. His once friend and bussniess partner Farfrae takes many thing from Henchard making him very jelous. These many events leave Henchard lonely and depressed to the point where he wants to take his life. Henchard could not love the Elizabeth-Jane who lived with him as his daughter. He knew that she was not his own so he became bitter towards her. For many years he treated her unkindly and left her thinking he was her father. When Elizabeth-Jane wants to move out of the house he is quick to let her go.When he learns she is departing immediatly he tries to persuade her to stay. He does not want to lose her although he considers her a hassal. During the time period while she is away Henchard is lonly and depressed. After many things have hapend Elizabeth-Jane returns to Henchard. He realizes a new love for his step-daughter taht is brought up in her presents, when he is not alone. When Elizabeth-Jane's true father comes to the house asking for her Henchard tells him she is dead while actually asleep in the next room. After doing this Micheal Henchard knows if his lie is ever found out by Elizaveth-Jane it will only make her more distant. He only thinks aobut his love her though, and he happiness whe she is with him. Her care rejuvenates Henchard and keeps him form his dreaded loneliness. When his secret is found out Elizabeth-Jane, the one left who cared now had lost...
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