An Analysis of the Article Nature Clones by Jill Neimark Essay

However, the researchers neglected to include into their research the effects of extrafamilial factors (friends, peers, teachers, etc.) on the cognitive skills of these children. If these factors were not overlooked, the research may have proven that the environment does indeed influence cognitive development. Without this research, as it stands now, it is concluded that the greatest influence on cognitive development is solely attributed to genetics. In light of this particular perspective, the article is incomplete. On the other hand, with the limited experimentation of the research, the article is very accurate and effective. The scientists recorded their information onto graphs, and the testing was in a controlled environment. The explanation of the experiment was very thorough. Imagine an experiment in which a scientist decides to separate identical twins at birth an put them in different environments. What would the result be? Recently, a similar issue has surfaced. In the article, Nature Clones, Jill Neimark focuses in on twins that are separated at birth and reunited in their later years. These twins have since then been under evaluation. One particular pair, Barbara Herbert and Daphne Goodship, have been observed at the University of Minnesotas Center for Twin and Adoptation Research, founded by Thomas J. Bouchard, Ph.D. According to Neimark Both Women grew up in similar towns outside of London, left school at 14, fell down stairs at 15 and weakened their ankles, went to work in local government, met their future husbands at age 16 miscarried in the same month, then gave birth to two boys and a girl. Both tinted their hair auburn when young, were squeamish about blood and heights, and drank their coffee cold. Upon meeting, both wore cream colored dresses and brown velvet jackets. (Neimark 39-40)After much observation at the center, scientists found that the twins had approximately the same IQ, and similar physical defects. Some scientists feel that these types of twin studies make the genetic perspective of the nature...
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