An Analysis of the Character Elwood P. Dowd in Harvey, a Play by Mary Chase Essay

Harvey is quite an interesting play. It qualifies a classification as a masterpiece of art. The play is a true creation and presentation of mastery of dramatic literature. I watched the show on Saturday 14th April at the queens hall national theatre and the performance was evidently exceptional.Harvey presents the exciting story of Elwood P. Dowd. He is an aging man who is apparently suffering from a streak of schizophrenia. The name of the play is derived from a best friend of his who is a rabbit called a pooka. The pooka is a fair that is in animal form and it is seen to appear only to a selected characters especially those that accompany him at night to social gatherings and bars. Ewoods sister Veta is however, not amused by his antics and attempts to have him admitted to a mental institution. Ewood is however, seen to be so cordial and affectionate, this makes the doctors convinced that she is actually covering up for her own mental ailment (Edward, 2003). The doctors then admit Veta into the institution. However, the truth is finally established and people set out to look for Ewood and his invincible companion. Ewood shows up to the institution looking for his lost companion. Just before he is to be given an injection to restore him back to his senses and normalcy, Veta realizes that she would rather have Ewood remain the way he had been with his kindness, compassion to all, carefree nature and charm. The question arises on who was actually crazy in the all set up.The central idea being presented in this play is the issues of the escaping reality. Ewood chooses an alternative form of reality when he lives in his fantasy world. In his fantasy world of Harvey Ewood finds contentment than in the conventional life. Harvey presents the lesson that human beings are capable of choosing pleasure over pain, happiness over sorrow, and contentment over...
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