An Analysis of the Character of Natty Bumppo in The Last of the Mohicans Essay

The character of Hawkeye Pierce from MASH takes his nickname from the Native American name given to Natty Bumpoo. In the TV series, it is revealed that Last of the Mohicans is the only book Pierce's father had ever read.Natty Bumppo was the first true recognizable American hero. He was looked up to by the masses and is still a popular symbol of the classic hero. The trapper, Natty Bumpoo, is remembered as one of the greatest chief of all palefaces. He is represented as the good and bad of both cultures, which shows more concern for others than him. Natty, was a skilled warrior that no matter what the consequences were he was up for a challenge. In addition to Natty, he was a symbol to both the white and red skins. By the end of Nattys life, he had accomplished uniting Indians and Whites. Whoever thought, Natty Bumpoo who shows more concern for the holiness of life, be responsible, as a hunter and a fighter, for so many deaths.Natty, a role model, does what is necessary for the good of others. In The Last of the Mohicans, Duncan was set on fire for the Huron tribe. Natty shot him, which killed him instantly to stop Duncan from suffering. Natty is showing concern for others, even when Duncan wanted him killed, Natty thought about him. Natty wouldnt do anything against his morals even if his life were at stake. As feeding the young of your dead warrior, I would do that cheerfully, could it be done without discredit but it cannot, seeing that I can never live in a Huron village. What Natty wouldnt do in peaceable times he would definitely not do in times of war because he is morally sound. His character is exhibiting virtue in regards to that he would never go against his tribe and beliefs.Also, in The Last of the Mohicans, the opening scene of the movie shows Natty...
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