An Analysis of the Death of President William McKinley Who Was Shot Essay

A renegade shot President William McKinley to death when he wasshaking hands with the locals in Buffalo New York on September 6, 1901.Leon Czolgsz was the assassin. Sam Ireland was a bodyguard at the time andLeon caught his eye but before he could go in to action it was too late.Dissipate the efforts of the surgeons McKinley died of his wounds eight (8)days later. After McKinley's death Roosevelt advocated managing naturalresources and supervising big business. Even though he was on only 41 yearsold at the time of McKinley's death he was well suited to acquire thepresidency. Sense childhood Theodore Roosevelt knew that the earth was aprecious commodity and can not be squandered. In this light he recognizedthe fact that there was a need to institute more national parks. He alsorecognized the fact that city dwellers as well as farmers have the neededfor water. Big business was a problem with monopolizing especially J. P.Morgan was a steal company that had a monopoly. This monopoly was inviolation of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1902. A Supreme Court rulingfound 5-4 that the Northern Security Company was in violation. Protectionthe consumer was a big subject as well The Jungle was a book about the meatinspections of 1906. The Meat Inspections Act of 1906 was to outlawincorrectly labeled meat. Woodrow Wilson was next in the line of presidents. He was a strongjawed, leader, and moral man. He did not like any republicans, includingTeddy Roosevelt, and in this light he ridiculed them at every chance.During the elections in 1912 Wilson received 435 electrical votes, smashingRoosevelt in to the ground with 88 and Taft had about a tenth of whatRoosevelt with only 8 votes, last and least was Eugene Debs with no votes(with a name like Eugene what do you expect?). After only two weeks ofbeing president he held the first regularly scheduled press meeting.Three weeks later that he began lobbying congress to reduce tariffs, Reformbanking,...
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