An Analysis of the Character of Emil in the Novel Demian by Hermann Hesse Essay

Hermann Hesse's novel, , is the story of a young man trying to find his place between the two realms of good and evil. Right from the beginning of the novel Hesse introduces the reader to Emil, of whom the novel is based around. The reader sees how Emil's "good" world of peace, love and protection becomes mingled in the "evil" world of lies, cheat and theft. Hermann Hesse does an extremely fine job of protraying the effects of these two worlds on the human spirit. Rather than trace Emil's actions and every feeling, to better understand his character, Hesse uses Emil's dreams to help define the character. These dreams serve as a function to provide the reader with a better understanding of the direction the novel and where its characters are moving in. Hesse's use of dreams help develop Emil from innocent child to educated man.The first significant dream occurs on page nineteen. Emil dreams that he is on a boat, "surrounded by absolute peace and the glow of a holiday." He dreams of how his sisters' "white summer dresses shimmer in the sun." As Emil awakes he describes himself having fallen "out of paradise back into reality, again face to face with the enemy, with his evil eye." This dream is very sinificant in that it shows Emil's departure from the absolute "good" world into one of "evil." Emil has had first experience with lying, which he did to Kromer, that opened the door to more evil. Emil now finds himself jumping at every command Kromer throws to him. Emil begins to feel separated from his family and their peace and happiness. The "white summer dresses" are a symbolic of the purity his family has which he is no longer a part of. This dream is Hesse's way of indirectly pushing Emil from innocence into reality.The last dreams of Emil's childhood are plagued by Kromer, who Emil finds himself in debt to. He...
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