An Analysis of the Character of Lemuel Gulliver a Protagonist and the Narrator of Swift's Gulliver's Travels Essay

Character Analysis of Lemuel GulliverLemuel Gulliver is the protagonist and the narrator of Swifts Gulliver's Travels. Gulliver is trained to be a surgeon but when his business fails, he takes to the seas and travels to various places. Throughout the book, Gulliver gives vivid narrations of his travels and encounters with unique beings in various lands. His factual details during the voyage along with his conversations and encounters with various entities iterates his extensive erudition, thus it can be construed that Gulliver is a knowledgeable man. Although at first, he seems to be a representation of a generic human being, his character develops a lot more by the end of his fourth voyage. It is evident from the beginning of the book that Gulliver is highly adventurous and we also discover that Gulliver is rather stoic in the sense that he does not express a lot of emotions until the very end. Along with being adventurous and emotionally unresponsive, Gulliver also is quite nave and gullible.One of the most important characteristics of Gulliver is that he is thoroughly adventurous. The very fact that he set out to travel four times without much intervals between travels, shows that Gulliver loves adventures. In the course of his travel, he encounters many dangerous situations yet he still pursues traveling. Even during his very first voyage, his ship, the Antelope meets with a violent storm which leads six of his crewmen to die. However when he finally reaches the land of Liliput and spends a while there, he is eventually pleaded guilty of treason and is sentenced to be blinded. Although he does escape to Blefuscu from where he returns back to England, he does not stop his adventures there. Instead of his previous experience deterring him from sailing again, Gulliver actually sets out for three more voyages. His limited fear of travelling even to unknown lands truly shows his love for adventure. Only after mere two months of...
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