An Analysis of the Book Isaac Storm by Erik Larson Essay

The Untimely lose In Isaacs Storm a book by Erik Larson, it talks about a hurricane which takes place on September 8, 1900 and a town named Galveston which was a city of new technology and development that was destroyed in the greatest natural disaster known to man. In Isaacs Storm there were many attitudes and acting that contributed to the loss of lives. I felt competitiveness and over-confidence of the Weather Bureau, by shunning away all the warning signs given by Cuba. The citizens which werent worried about their glorious town felt it couldnt be touched. Isaac Cline who thought Galveston could survive the bad weather, and preferred waiting the storm out. All these things lead to many deaths in Galveston. The Weather Bureau which was headed by William Moore felt they didnt need help from some third world country like Cuba, refused any assistance. Putting all their confidence in their own bureau which had many bureaucratic problems it self with establishment. On the other hand many citizens thought of putting up a seawall for future precautions but many felt it gave Galveston a unpleasant look so that idea was cut out, many thought that a bigger bay would be better, depending on the fact that if Galveston wanted to be the best city in Texas and foreshadow Houston the seawall couldnt be developed. On September 8th while the weather got worse and the rain began to come down heavily, kids thought it was time to play out in the rain appearing on the scene in bathing suits and of course were right in it from jump(148). Most people ignored the warnings of the newspapers depending on the fact that they were wrong in the past and couldnt depend on their judgment. Isaac and Joseph Cline which were members of the Weather Bureau both rivals of each other had different points of view of the weather to come. Isaac on one...
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