An Analysis of the Character of Orgon in Tartuffe by Moliere Essay

In Moliere's comedy, Tartuffe, the main focus of the play is not of Tartuffe, but of Orgons blind infatuation with Tartuffe. It just so happens that the title character is the villain rather than the hero. Orgon is Moliere's representation of how a man can be so blind in his devotion to a belief that he cannot make accurate judgment as to the sincerity of others who would use that belief to deceive him. Tartuffe easily achieves total power over Orgons actions because of his gullibility. However, as the play progresses, Orgons view of Tartuffe changes and results in Tartuffes removal. It is in the duality of Orgon, the believing subject, and Tartuffe, the manipulating hypocrite (or impostor), that Moliere takes his digs at the extremes of enthusiastic belief. Tartuffe plays the role of a man whose greedy actions are cloaked by a mask of overwhelming piety, modesty and religious fervor. Orgon is the head of a household who has taken Tartuffe in. We laugh at Orgon because everyone else (except his mother) knows that Tartuffe is a fake. All of Orgon's relatives warn him of Tartuffe's gluttony and of the false nature of his pious proclamations. When Dorine tries to tell Orgon about Elmire's illness, all Orgon can say is,"Ah. And Tartuffe?"(21). When she tells him of Tartuffe's unconcern and zealous consumption in spite of Elmire's condition, he says, "Poor fellow!" Poor Orgon is so caught up in his ownidealistic belief in Tartuffe's saintliness that the reality of Tartuffe's actions goes right over hishead. When Damis tells Orgon that he has overheard Tartuffe's advances towards Elmire,Orgon is so outraged that he disinherits Damis and banishes him from the house. In hisobsession, Orgon is mentally deaf and blind. Only when he hides under the table and hearsTartuffe's advances toward Elmire, does reality finally confront Orgon's idealism and Tartuffeis unmasked. Moliere was a moderate and against excess and obsession in all things. In Tartuffe, he hasused...
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