An Analysis of the Character 'Elwood P. Dowd' in the Story of Pooka Harvey Essay

The play was first presented in the early 40s. It is also set in this timeperiod. It is a very care-free, take your mind off of your worries comedic work.The main character, Elwood P. Dowd, has a invisible friend, a pooka namedHarvey, who accompanies him during his daily activities. A pooka is a mythicalcreature who appears here and there, where ever it pleases, and to whoever itpleases. In this case, the pooka has taken the form of a rabbit who is six feet,one and a half inches tall. Mr. Dowd lives in a large mansion with his sister,Veta Louise Simmons, and her daughter Myrtle May Simmons. Mr. Dowds familydoes not see Harvey at first, but they Elwood interacting and talking to Harvey.They become extremely worried about him seeing an imaginary rabbit and himspending all of his time with someone who doesnt even exist. As difficult andhumiliating as it is for her, Veta Louise is forced to take Mr. Dowd toChumleys Rest, an psychiatric facility on the outskirts of town where he canreceive treatments for his problems. This faculty was founded by renownedpsychiatrist William R. Chumley, MD. Dr. Chumley only sees few cases when timepermits. Veta Louise, as any good sister would, only wants the best for herbrother and insist that Dr. Chumley handle this case personally. His assistant,Miss Kelly, denies this request, but reassures Veta Louise that her brother willreceive top quality attention. She is referred to Dr. Lyman Sanderson, MD, adoctor who also practices out at Chumleys Rest. Veta Louise describes hersituation and Elwoods case to Dr. Sanderson, but as she is doing so, shebecomes hysterical. Dr. Sanderson suspects that Veta Louise is the one that issuffering from some sort of mental illness and that she is projecting herproblems onto Elwood, but he plays it cool so she wont suspect that he hasfigured her out. He excuses himself from the room for a moment, to get anorderly to help him with this crazy women....
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