An Analysis of the Character of Louise Mallard in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Essay

Victoria Hubble October 14, 1999 Character Analysis Essay 4 The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin is an ironic story because, LouiseMallard realizes the independence that she gains from her husbands death. Themoment she realizes this freedom, and is willing to take this new way of life into herarms, her husband returns, and she dies. Mrs. Mallard has a revelation of all theseliberations she was going to live with, and within minutes, came to realization of her Louise Mallards initial reaction to her husbands death was one that anynormal person would have except it is characterized by the happiness that overcomesher as the story develops. Although she is upset about the news of her husbandsdeath, she comes to the realization of a completely different lifestyle that she hasnever known before. Independence or freedom are the major differences between herlife before and her life now. She felt content with her life before, simply because shedidnt know any different. She always had someone elses will pushed against her own,whether it was her father or her husband, she has always had someone to control herlife for her. As she undergoes this incredible emotional breakthrough, a great amountof weight lifts off her shoulders because she felt how much her opinion impactedothers , and...
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