Understanding the North American Bathing Suit Industry and Exploiting Untapped Market Opportunities Essay

Table of ContentsPage Introduction q Mission 2q Briefing 2 Historical Timeline of the Bathing Suit Secondary Data Search q The North American Swimwear Market 4 q Influential Factors of Demand 5 q Swimwear Industry 9 q Brands 10q Manufacturing 13q Distribution 13 q Retailing and Advertising 16q External Factors 17 Strategic Assessment q Changes in the Past Five Years 18 Future q Increasing Obesity 20 q Increasing RD 20 q Sunbathing-Related Health Concerns 21 Primary Research q Interview 22 q Independent Local Market Study 23 Recommendations 25 Limitations 26 Conclusions 26 Appendix 27IntroductionMissionThe intent of this study is to become well informed of the North American swimwear industry, to discover opportunities that have not been exploited, and even try to determine where the industry is heading. This information is very beneficial to one of our group members, Andree-Anne, who presently designs her own swimsuits and is very interested in opening a new type of retail store. She sees a potential in creating swimwear that blends element of fashion and competition to extend its utility, durability, and comfort. The new retail concept would also have a made-to-fit order policy to provide the best fit for every womans body type. This industry study will hopefully give her greater insights and help bring these ideas to reality. BriefingWe begin with the history of the swimsuit industry, followed by an extensive secondary data search. This section contains the bulk of the factual findings, such as sales, demand factors, and channel conditions. It includes a detailed analysis of the major competitors, how swimwear is branded, distribution channels, and promotional efforts. This section gives an overview of all the internal and external factors and how they translate to the industrys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.A strategic analysis examines the past and current trends in the swimsuit industry, while the Future section examines research and development, obesity and the potential harm of UV exposure. We then...
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